Good Morning, I hope everyone is feeling good! I know I am (Woohoo). This weeks "Wednesday Dinner" was a little random but good non the less. It first started with me going to see Michael Jackson's "This Is it", let me say this about the movie; if you are a HUGE Michael Jackson fan I would encourage you to see if but if your like me and your just a fan of his music I wouldn't waste my time or money. In my opinion it seemed very weird watching it, I won't give away the details of the movie but I could've waited until it came out on DVD personally. So after I saw the movie I was wondering what the hell I was going to eat. My original plans were to have dinner with 2 of my big homies Chris and Deon but we had to reschedule. So my homegirl Tati put me on blast yesterday on facebook asking me what was for dinner, but she wasn't able to come out either. So I had to think of something quick, I remembered my boy Chris had my Tshirt he bought back from New York for me so I figured let me go get my Tshirt and we can have dinner too. So let the "Wednesday Dinner" story begin. Chris and I haven't hung out since the summer time so it was good seeing him and catching up, although he lives on the other side of town (Haha). Since I was going to pick up my Tshirt it didn't make since to drive all the way to Hollywood and come right back so I figured we could grab something quick to eat and then traffic would die down by the time I was ready to leave. I had been having a taste for Roscoe's for about a week, so Roscoe's it was! ( www.roscoeschickenandwaffles.com/) Chris doesn't live to far from the Roscoe's in Hollywood on Gower so it was all good, here is what we had:
Ashley- Eclipse and E- 3 Wings, Grits, One egg & a biscuit (but I was get 2 eggs with cheese)
Chris-Heineken and Country boy- 3 Wings and a Waffle
Our waitress was pretty cool she did her job and didn't make any mistakes and plus everyone knows Roscoe's isn't known for their customer service! Although the waitress did hook me up with 4 wings instead of 3 got to love that. Over dinner Chris and I did a lot of catching up, Chris is an aspiring Director working in the industry on a new pilot show but has been on his grind working on sets for about a year. I can see huge difference in him since we first met. He recently got a promotion at work and I could tell he's a lot happier now. Chris has this infectious smile that can light up any room and its also contagious you can't help but smile when he does. Over dinner we talked about so much, from work, life, family, and relationships. He had me cracking up when he was sharing his relationship break up with me (HILARIOUS) but hey people break up every day so that's really nothing new. I also shared with him something that he didn't know about me which was also pretty funny (my break up story), so all in all dinner was good. I want to wish Chris the best of luck on his career move, I see you shinning boy! Keep up the good work! Usually I do dessert after dinner, but after eating at Roscoe's I didn't have a taste for anything sweet which is odd for me because my sweet tooth is always in full effect. But little did I know I would get a sweet visit from my BooBoo, when I got home he came and hung out with me for a while and there were hugs and kisses all around (thanks BooBoo). So all in all my night ended great! If you would like to be on the "Wednesday Dinner" hit list or have any suggestion drop me a line ashleymarie729@gmail.com . In closing I want to talk about something one of my friends told me, he said and I quote "You sound so hurt in your blogs, like a women scorned". So not true but at a certain time that was a true statement. At the time when I started this blog I was in a good place and every day things keep getting better and better. I have let go of things and people that were not good for me or to me and have reconnected with people who are good to me and things that are good for me. I was just getting tired of giving and not getting so I had to do something about it and when I started to change and grow certain things just didn't feel right anymore. So let me say this to me dear friend "I am fine and doing much better, although some days might be better than others I am getting through everything the best way I know how. I am done hurting and fighting and I am being the best me because the best is coming to me". Until next week Bon Jour-Ashley!
Ashley- Eclipse and E- 3 Wings, Grits, One egg & a biscuit (but I was get 2 eggs with cheese)
Chris-Heineken and Country boy- 3 Wings and a Waffle
Our waitress was pretty cool she did her job and didn't make any mistakes and plus everyone knows Roscoe's isn't known for their customer service! Although the waitress did hook me up with 4 wings instead of 3 got to love that. Over dinner Chris and I did a lot of catching up, Chris is an aspiring Director working in the industry on a new pilot show but has been on his grind working on sets for about a year. I can see huge difference in him since we first met. He recently got a promotion at work and I could tell he's a lot happier now. Chris has this infectious smile that can light up any room and its also contagious you can't help but smile when he does. Over dinner we talked about so much, from work, life, family, and relationships. He had me cracking up when he was sharing his relationship break up with me (HILARIOUS) but hey people break up every day so that's really nothing new. I also shared with him something that he didn't know about me which was also pretty funny (my break up story), so all in all dinner was good. I want to wish Chris the best of luck on his career move, I see you shinning boy! Keep up the good work! Usually I do dessert after dinner, but after eating at Roscoe's I didn't have a taste for anything sweet which is odd for me because my sweet tooth is always in full effect. But little did I know I would get a sweet visit from my BooBoo, when I got home he came and hung out with me for a while and there were hugs and kisses all around (thanks BooBoo). So all in all my night ended great! If you would like to be on the "Wednesday Dinner" hit list or have any suggestion drop me a line ashleymarie729@gmail.com . In closing I want to talk about something one of my friends told me, he said and I quote "You sound so hurt in your blogs, like a women scorned". So not true but at a certain time that was a true statement. At the time when I started this blog I was in a good place and every day things keep getting better and better. I have let go of things and people that were not good for me or to me and have reconnected with people who are good to me and things that are good for me. I was just getting tired of giving and not getting so I had to do something about it and when I started to change and grow certain things just didn't feel right anymore. So let me say this to me dear friend "I am fine and doing much better, although some days might be better than others I am getting through everything the best way I know how. I am done hurting and fighting and I am being the best me because the best is coming to me". Until next week Bon Jour-Ashley!