Good Morning!!!!! This day light savings time change really has me on one! It seems like I'm ready for bed by 8pm (CRAZY)! I hope you all are having a positive and prosperous week so far and are looking forward to the weekend! This weeks "Wednesday Dinner" was another special one. I think I mentioned this before but my sister Shelby and my cousin Taelor are 10 days apart. My mom and my cousin Chanel (Taelor's mom) were prego at the same time (Hilarious). So last nights dinner was all about my Tootie aka Taelor. For some reason Shelby and Taelor were so excited to be turning 17, for what reason I am not sure I don't remember any big perks that came when I was 17 but that was a whole different time back then. Anyway Chanel and Taelor's dad put together a "Family gathering" last night and so let the "Wednesday Dinner" story begin. We all met last night at Taelor's Great grandmother's house for dinner, her great grandma's house is the meeting/party place for their family most of the time. It is such a wonderful feeling to see that both of Taelor's great grandparents are in good health! The party was suppose to start at 6:30pm-7pm-ish, but you know how we do sometimes. The house was filled with cousins, Aunt's, Uncles and close family friends. Taelor is a very picky eater and has always been since she was a child! I remember babysitting her and this kid wouldn't eat and when she got older her pickiness went to a whole different level. Now that she's older, when she finds something she likes she likes it! Her favorite foods are Chipotle, Wing Stop, Burger King and Panda Express. So I knew we were going to have at least one of those for dinner last night, and the winner was Panda Express ( We ate:
Fried Rice
Chow Mein
Broccoli & Beef
Orange Chicken
Steamed Rice
You can never really go wrong with food from Panda, so I was pleased. I didn't know that Panda Express has "Chili Paste" its really good! It gives a little kick and spice to the food. Over dinner I sat with the "Kids" (hahaha) and they are HILARIOUS! I remember being 17 but I don't remember being that grown. loud or excited about weird things. All of Taelor's friends are funny, they keep me laughing! They have all this crazy slang and funny phrases about everything. Of course they always make fun of me because I look they're age and I'm older than them (they really get a kick out of that). Its so funny watching Taelor with her friends because I have watched her grow up and also some of her friends, so that has me feeling a little old. After dinner it was time to get into the cake and ice cream (Ice cream and cake do the ice cream and cake). I love that commercial!. Chanel (Taelor's mom) has a thing with cake, every cake they get is from Hansen's Bakery ( Chanel got Taelor a small round cake and 2 dozen cupcakes, I believe the cake was Marble filling and the cupcakes where chocolate, vanilla, and marble (So YUMMY) and fresh I love cupcakes and ice cream. Of course you she didn't forget the ice cream! Taelor's favorite ice cream is Vanilla! After cake and ice cream it was time for Taelor to open her gifts and she got some pretty cool things! I think she was most excited about "DJ Hero" for her Wii, she was grinning from ear to ear. Dinner was great, there where good laughs, family, friends, food and pictures. If you would like to get on the "Wednesday Dinner" blog or have any suggestions drop me a line . In closing I would like to say a few things about Taelor; I have watched here grow up and still find it so heard to believe that she is 17 and this time next year she will be in college. Its amazing because her and Shelby are the 2 kids that I've actually watched grow up (literally). I am so proud of her and she always makes me laugh and smile when I see her. I am mostly grateful for her because of the relationship that her and Shelby have! They are truly connected in a way that only the 2 of them understand. I want to say thank you Taelor and I love you!!!! Until next week Tata for now-Ashley
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