Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday Dinner 12/22/2010

Good morning my loves and whew what a week we've had in California with all this rain. I have enjoyed every minute of it; there is something about the rain that just makes me want to be quiet and still! And yesterday was no different, there was thunder, lightning, hail and then a rainbow and then more rain last night so I decided I was going straight home after work to make dinner and chill ALONE. This week I've been overly exhausted and haven't gotten much sleep, I knew that trying to have dinner out in this rain wasn't going to happen and I was totally fine with that. So let the "Wednesday Dinner" story begin. Years ago my Aunt made a dish and I fell in love with it, it’s called Chicken Parmesan. Yea I know every Italian restaurant serves it however I never knew before she made it how easy it was to make! I knew that the Chicken Parmesan would do the trick, it was raining out and I wanted something good to eat. I decided to pair the Chicken Parmesan up with a Caesar Salad and Garlic Toast. Here are the items I used:

Ragu Original Spaghetti Sauce
Spaghetti Noodles
2 Tyson Breaded Chicken Fillets
Mozzarella Cheese
Caesar Salad (In a Bag)

This dish is so easy a cave man can make it (HAHAHAHA), no but it’s really easy. First I warmed the spaghetti sauce in a sauce pan, I added a little garlic salt and sugar to taste. I let that simmer for about 20 minutes, and then I moved on to the chicken breast. The chicken breasts were frozen, so I put them in the microwave for about 2 1/2 minutes. I lightly fried the chicken breast because I knew once the spaghetti sauce got on them they would get soggy and I didn't want that. Then it was time to boil the noodles and I must say I am really no good at noodles and rice (sad face) but anyway the noodles boiled for about 10-15 minutes. Then it was time to put it all together, 1st I took the noodles and mixed them with the spaghetti sauce and placed them in my casserole dish. Then I topped the noodles off with some mozzarella cheese, and then I dipped the chicken breast in the spaghetti sauce and placed them over the noodles, poured the remaining sauce of over the chicken and noodles and then put some mozzarella cheese over the chicken breast. I threw that in the oven for about 25 minutes, and then the salad was easy I mean its salad in a bag sheesh! The garlic toast baked for about 10 minutes. Now it was time to plate my food and grub! I ate half of one full chicken breast along with the salad and garlic toast and a nice glass of Stella Rosa! At sat my butt right in front of the T.V and enjoyed my dinner; I was watching Top Chef while I was eating. After I ate I was full, I got back on the couch and took about a 2 hour nap! My dinner came out great and I enjoyed myself! If you like to join the "Wednesday Dinner" club drop me a line and follow me on Twitter In closing I would like to leave you with this "Look back and thank God, look forward and trust God" until next week Merry Christmas- Ashley

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